Custom Picture Framing . Art Restoration and Preservation . Creative Graphic Design

Home Is Where The Art Is . St. Louis, MO . 314-968-9558


Newsworthy. Little did I know...When I was checking out in the grocery store my kids looked over and said, "Hey mommy isn't that the art that was in the frame shop on that magazine?" Both times they were right. How observant children are! We framed art for both of these homes. Steve and Marilee Ortmayer were wonderful to work with on the Miro' and other pieces. HIWTAI worked Wolf Camera on the baseball prints for the STL Cardinals, and did Ozzie Smith's photos.   

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STL Homes and Lifestyles Magazine Cover with Ozzie SmithSTL Homes and Lifestyles Magazine Cover with Steve and Merilee Ortmayer and our framing